Monday, August 19, 2013

Week 6

Hi Family and Friends,
This week was kind of the same. Did some missionary work. Did some crazy stuff. And had a great time doing it all.
We didn't have a lunch appointment one day so we took the lunch hour to walk in the forest to find food. We found cactus and aloe Vera. So we cut up some cactus and aloe Vera, made a fire and ate it. It wasn't very good but it was fun doing it. My companion kept trying to tell me it was good but I didn't agree. We told members of the ward this story and they figured we were CRAZY! I believe them.
So Elder Macdonald (My first companion) is in his house. But on his last night he wanted to have a huge fire on the roof so we talked to tons of people and got tons of wood. We were going to cook a full chicken and three pineapples!
Well... when we got home that night it was POORING rain! So as I was preparing the chicken, Elder Mac started the fire in the house.... And started smoking us out, we eventually had a roaring fire in our upstairs. Luckily all the houses here are made of concrete and cant be burnt down. So we just waited for it to burn out so we could take the coals to cook. After a while our entire upstairs was black and smelt like fire. He thought it was funny but I still have to live here. And we began to try to cook our chicken. IT WAS TERRIBLE! It didn't cook at all. So it was all for not. We ended up cooking it on the stove with some BBQ sauce and it was pretty okay. haha
But since he left I had to get a new companion for 5 days until we have changes, and our Zone leader left so I went with the other zone leader. His name is Elder Nicolas. He is 22 and he is super funny. I make him read in English every day and then make him practice. He doesn't like to do it but he just needs a kick in the butt and he will learn to like it. But he's pretty cool. So, I am in training, a District leader, and a Zone leader right now. Its pretty awesome doing it all. But Ill get a new companion tomorrow.
Here, we aren't allowed to contact on the street EVER! We got a letter from our president that says to not talk to people unless we have an appointment with them unless the spirit SCREAMS at you to do other wise. Well we were walking by a basketball court and my companion pointed out a black guy. And I felt like I needed to go play some basketball with him. We starting shooting around with him and turns out he knew English! He was very smart. He had a full beard and was 6 foot 5 but hes the same age as me! After a while of just him and I playing we talked about the church. It was so cool. He wants to learn more and play some more bball and said that my companion and I were the nicest people he has ever met. Hopefully he truly wants to continually grow. (HOPEFULLY NOT HEIGHT WISE)
We also received a referral this week from some other missionaries about a lady who just showed up at church and wanted to learn more. We had other appointments set up with Less active members but we felt like we should cancel them to go meet her. And so we did. Her name is Victoria and she has a daughter. Its been 5 days since we have met her. She has taken 3 lessons and has already set her date to be baptized. She truly is ready for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in her life. It is amazing being able to see the change in their hearts and eyes as they learn more of the truths of this world. 
I think I finally figured out how missionary work is truly out of Love. All I want is the best for my companion, my ward, and especially the people we teach. Its an amazing work we have the opportunity to do.
I love this Gospel. And the Church is TRUE!
I love you all.
Elder Winters

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